TETLEY HALL, in Headingley


Pathway up to the main block and dining hall. Moor Grange is in between those 2 trees in the distance.
View from the green house.
Our little green house :) Also known as the entrance way..lol.
What we call the common room...even though it's just a table and some chairs in the upper hallway. Our Warden Simon takes up this large living/dining room downstairs for his own flat. Chris's room is bigger, so we usually congregate there.
Nice and creaky stairs! It reminds me of the farm! It even smells like it..especially when the grass is cut outside.
the Kitchen! It was social hour in there tonight with everyone trying to cook dinner. I on the other hand made a boring Peanut butter and jam sandwich---which really grossed them out! Pb. is not popular here! They only sell the smallest jars in the grocery store. Brits are weird..lol.
Anonymous said...
I know what you mean about the pb Jamie went to europe on his honeymoon and practically starved to death . He found some p.b. in a food specialty shop and paid a about $10. for a little jar he said it was worth it b/c it kept him alive.

Anonymous said...
Peanut butter not popular? I'm not even a Maguire and I LOVE IT (ha ha it's Sarah)....mmmm makes me hungry right now!

my house, Moor Grange!! it really does look like this! everyone knows it as the green house house.
The street I walk down to get to school. The stone walls surround each house, and each house in the neighbourhood pretty much looks like mine. But you can see it's awfully treey here :)

Anonymous said...
Kat, what in the hell is "treey"???
xoxo SarsBlogger

~*Kurly Kat*~ said...
very funny Sarah!! it's MY word! ok? haha


aka. call my cell! AND YOU CAN NOW DO THAT! :D YEAHHHH! (in Alice's high-pitched cheer). This will be short because I have been updating my blog for much too long and I'm getting a headache from looking at the comp screen too long. It's a flip phone which I've always wanted. I've always imagined them to be cooler than regular phones. Email me if you want my cell #.

Pictures are fun! and make you feel like you're not reading too much! I was up talking with Aleksandra (from Poland) last night in her large room. I really like her, she's in her fifth year of Uni in language studies...but none of the courses here will transfer back home, so she's just taking many courses she's interested in that won't count toward her degree. I think its funny how she was trying to describe my accent and said it's softer and more natural than the Americans. Anyway, being the knob that I am I realized when looking at her colourful duvet (which is the same as mine), the comforter fits inside it! Mine has been lying on top this whole time! Needless to say, I had a pleasant sleep and it was much easier to make my bed this morning.
ps. you'll be happy to know my finger has made a fully recovery (when I cut it on glass).

1 Comment
Anonymous said...
Katherine, you are daft. I still love you, but you're daft...you had the duvet cover ON the comforter??? You're killing me softly, as Adrianna would say.

CLASSES! or classes...

oh my! It turns out if only have 6 hrs. of class!!! 6 hrs.!! that's like one day for me last year!! I don't see how this transfers to U of T, b/c I had 3 hrs./week just for a half course! So I really have no excuse not to read w/ all this free time! It's hard to read in my room, because it can get stuffy and claustrophobic. I figure I can read in the dining Hall, the "common room" in my house, or Aleks has offered her large room to study in. Anyway, back to my classes. They are incredibly small. Politics has 60, Art History has 11, and Popular Culture 50. I really like the smaller size, because I'm actually partaking in discussions!! ME!?!? partaking in discussions! unheard of I know. I feel smarter here for some reason...maybe because I have to fill the role of being an older, mature student. haha. yah right. But I am taking 2nd yr. courses, so I am older than everyone, which is weird because I'm so used to being the youngest. Oh well, change is good, right??

In my politics class, imagine pews and at the end of each pews heavy doors to get in. There are NO AISLES! It's very strange, and slightly claustrophobic. Another annoyance with this class is that the Prof. did not make a course reader!! I spent equivalent to $10 photocopying 100 pages...and the SADDEST part is that is not even one lecture's worth!!! I will need to make awesome notes in the library so I don't have to waste my time and money photocopying. I met some nice girls in 2 of my classes, very helpful. Budding, long-lasting friendship? Possibly...we'll see.

the new CanMERICAN!


EVERYONE thinks I'm from the U.S. at first greet, which is reasonable b/c I live 2 hrs. from the border and sound very similar. Of course once they find out I'm Canadian they apologize profusely and rave about how nice and pretty Canada is. Many start to talk about a distant relative in Canada…at least they're making an effort to relate to me :) I'm running for Female VP here in Tetley Hall. Below is my campaign poster...it catches the eye I think. I've gotten people to remember my name by saying Kkkkkatherine from CCCCanadian. It has the same sounding consonants so I think it works.
I'm going to join the Hiking Club! I can't wait. They have hikes in Wales, Scotland, weekend hikes (camping) and day trips around the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales. I first need to buy some proper hiking boots though, because they won't let you hike in trainers. Darn nit.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH AND guess what musical Tetley's putting on this year!??! GREASE! I'm SUPER EXCITED! I've always wanted to be in Grease. Maybe I'll audition for small role, I don't want to make anyone jealous...haha, yah right. I want to save myself from the embarrassment of my voice on its own and will only sing w/ the 'chorus'.
I can't believe how early Brits start drinking here, which in turn makes them go out earlier. This is important I suppose b/c the pubs close at 11pm!! 11!!! That's like Rosalia's time for going out! lol. Most clubs and bars are open until 1/2am though. My housemates and I celebrated Tom's bday Saturday night. They made yummy fondue and fresh fruit. They all got pissed (it's the UK word for hammered, drunk..) and we went to a bar. I don't think there was a dance floor, but we danced anyway. We probably looked like retards because no one else was. My housemates are very nice and do a lot of things together. I would like to get to know more of the others here at Tetley though. I'm hoping being on council will help. During meal times, the small tables are very segregated by floor/house/home in UK. I feel bad not sitting with my housemates during meals, but I'll never meet others if I do!
15 students live in my house. This is part of the 'gang'. From left, Chris, Laura, Will, Faye, and Tom in front.
Aleks and Anna.


Anonymous Kirsten S said...
When is the election?
PS you smell. haha

Blogger ~*Kurly Kat*~ said...
The election is on Thursday.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
K-k-k-Katie, would you be my c-c-c-comrade?
Anonymous Pol said...
Kruca fuks jak ja uwielbiam to dziewcze z lewej

all aboard the commuting vessel


The past two days I've actually gone to the library and studied!!! I felt so productive! It was great. This commuting thing isn't bad, because it forces me to go to the library instead of back to my bed. I'm a slow reader though..and it feels as though I was in the library for agessssss!
I started campaigning last night (putting up posters). I met a few new people, but I didn't bother knocking on doors because that would be annoying, especially for something this small. I have 2 girls as my competition. Tonight I have to make a speech, hopefully I don't get all red and say something stupid, because knowing me I will jumble my words. I'm going for the experience angle and mention some of my ideas. If that doesn't work I'm hoping my stunning good looks will attract them! hahaha.

Today I went to buy hiking boots...and they weren't cheap! ughhhhh. But they are mandatory for the Hiking Society that I joined. We're going on a hike this Sunday to North Yorkshire. I can't wait. They were some pretty awesome pictures on the website. Maybe I'll even do a weekender! We'll see how school goes. I still have a lot of reading to catch up on and I can't believe how many people still go out on school nights!

HOCKEY NIGHT! (not the TV kind)


Wednesday night (oct.5) was the campaign speeches. The Female VP's to speak ahead of me wrote long lists and read from them. They seemed very smart, but had no spunk! My speech was short, and I don't think many people took to it too well. I should've done something mroe original and funny. Like one girl dressed in a rugby kit for her role, and another girl rapped! Oh well, I guess I'm not that creative. I was told later that people were grumbling when I mentioned Halloween pumpkin carving. I know now that here they see Halloween as one guy puts it an "American commercializ'n." Needless to say, I did not win Female VP. At least I didn't get the lowest votes! :D lol. Buuuuut, I did manage to become Treasurer! No one else ran for the position so I took it! It's quite funny, because I don't know how I'm supposed to make a budget estimating in British Pounds! I can barely do that in Canadian dollars! I will have to take a course for Treasurer I've been informed. Everyone kind of laughed at that, but I see it as a way to learn more about writing and balancing cheque books, which I will need to know how to do anyway sooner or later. I'm quite looking forward to it! :)

That night I went out with the other Canadian at Tetley, Sarah. She's from Barrie, but goes to Carleton in Ottawa I believe. We "escorted" drunk Cecilia down to the Old Bar (on campus pub) where all the hockey (field/ashphalt) players were having a pub night. It turned out to be a lot of fun!! I've never been in a room w/ so many good looking people before! Sarah and I ordered the ever-so-popular drink "Snake bite". It's half lager, half cider, and a bit of black current. It tastes great!...probably because it doesn't taste like alcohol! I wonder if people know about it in Canada. Cider is HUGE here! Everyone loves to drink it b/c they says it's cheap alcohol. The weird thing about England is that everyone goes out for the strict purpose of getting drunk, no ifs, ands, or buts. Purely to get shit-faced, and less about the taste, good social conversation, and food like in Canada. But I do have to give them redit for cheap alcohol! I've paid max. 1.5 pound for a drink...that's $3! I'm used to paying $5/drink in Canada! WOOO HOOOO for me :)

After the pub, everyone received free entrance to "Gate Crashers" where there was disco-like floor!!! It was soooo cool! It light up and everything! OMG, and they played my favourite song, "Jump ofr my love" by the Pointer Sisters! hhahaha, oh the day that I heard that song in a club....things definitely are backwards here.
For instance...they have 2 taps at every sink, 1 that gets extremely hot, and the other cold. There's no medium! I have to wash my hands under the cold, and then quickly under the hot water to feel luke warm. I've burned my hands a lot b/c of that stupid tap! ONE GREAT THING ABOUT ENGLAND, is that there are no taxes!! (well at least when purchasing items. When the product says 1.37, well they will charge you 1.37!! You don't have to worry about that %15 always added on. I love it!
Me and Ceclia @ Gate Crashers! aka. Discotheque on the second floor.
eccentric dancing guy, me, some hockey player, Ceclia, and Jack
Dance it up Ceclia! Sarah and other girl in background. Sorry! I don't know her name!



What a morning! The fire alarm drill FINALLY went off! I say this b/c for that past 2 weeks I was paranoid about going to sleep b/c I didn't want to be bolted to consciousness by a loud and startling fire alarm. It was definitely the above. 7am. I was the first downstairs, until I noticed NO ONE else had come out of their rooms. I was considering going back and knocking on their doors (like we do in Loretto) when Simon the Warden starts yelling at me out of no where to get out! Geeeesh! At least I figured I could sleep on the way to London.

The bus to London went by rather fast, and the scenery was nothing special to look at. It wasn't picturesque at all. Probably because that was the major road for all of UK. I met up with an old friend that I met in Frosh week, Maria. We tubed it to Leister Square where I knew there were a lot of pubs. But then of course, there are a lot of pubs ANYWHERE in London! The Theatre district is expecially busy though. I really want to see Phantom of the Opera now! Another time I"m in London perhaps. We ended up going to this really sketchy club, where there were a lot of weird people. For instance, there were these two girls on the "stage" where most people jump on to dance. Well they just stoof the nodding their heads and a bouncing a little to the music! It was soooooo funny. They are perhaps the world's worst dancers! The expressions on their faces were priceless too. It was really great to catch up with Maria though, see someone that actually knows me!
Europe's largest Roof Top Gardens
Roof Gardens. It had a Spanish feel.
Kensington Palace. Where Princess Diana lived. Michael, Duke of Kent lives there now among others.
The enormous, I repeat enormous parks surrounding the palace. This is where they filmed "Neverland"with Johnny Depp.



Malham is a small village (and I mean small) at the foot of the Yorshire Dales. The day was cloudy, slighty eerie to be walking in the damp cow fields. Our walk outline said we were to climb up this waterfall, Gordon's Scar, but we opted out, b/c we weren't prepared with helmets etc. They split everyone into small groups of 7, not like 20 in a line like I expected. The scariest was when we actually had to pass the cows. They stared at you like you were a large piece of grass! haha. It looked like they were going to charge at us any second! Fortunately they didn't. We eventually found our way to this cute mountain lake and conservation area. We were supposed to have a permit to walk through the Environmental study boardwalk..but one man said the lock gate at the end was sturdy (as in to climb over).

It was FREEEEZING by this lake! And of course there was some crazy guy who decided to swim in it! I couldn't believe it..he must be a member of the "polar bear club." After 4 hrs. of walking we came to the rockiest place ever! The rocks just screamed "broken ankle" if you didn't watch where you were walking. It was unbelievably breathtaking the view from the top of these mountains. You wouldn't believe have many stone walls covered the green fields..(even sides of rocky mountains had a stone wall going through it). It's like the Great Wall of China. That must have taken AGES to build these barriers, "fencing" off property.
Another cute thing was the kissing gates. It's hard to explain, but you have to walk in to a corner, close the gate behind you and now there's room to pass through on the other side. It's to prevent sheep from getting through. There were A LOT of these.

The funny rock formations that are every parents nightmare because you have jump from rock to rock. It was called "the Cove" I felt like a kid again jumping from rock to rock! It was really neat geological formations! People were rock climbing up the enormous rock just below us. In total, we walked 17km that day! My feet KILLED!

Gordon's Scar

The Tarn "a small mountain lake"
Me and Aleks. We really did walk down that massive hill with rocks embedded every few centimeters.
The Conservational Study boardwalk. It was really in bad shape, no wonder they're charging people to use it.
"The Cove" (at the edge is a cliff)
The rock-climbers looking down from the Cove.
Random stone wall on stoney hill.

1 Comment

Anonymous said...
Hi kat
Just seeing if I can still leave a comment.
Your pictures are great. Those stones on the path could be a real pain in the foot (HAHA) Hope nobody turned an ankle.
Keep on trekking

mmm ravioli

Well it's been over 2 weeks since I last wrote...gahh, too much to write! Monday the 10th, friends on the mainblock 1st floor went out for Wendy's bday. The club we were supposed to go to downtown had the longest line ever!! You'd think it was a Friday night, but no, people here are such partiers they need their alcohol fix EVERY night. We went to a large club across the street that was pretty empty. They did have 1 quid (slang for pound) drinks though! It was a lot of fun to have a lot of room to dance. Every now and then this fog machine would go off and you couldn't see 10cm in front of you! Wendy, who's a really sweet girl in Medicine, looked reasonably sober given all she drank, but we did end up going home around half 1. It was cute, she kept apologizing for making us leave so soon, but it really wasn't that early! A cab ride back is around 7 pounds ($14), so you really want to load people in to cut the cost!

I went swimming twice this week! I'm so proud that I actually managed to drage myself to the pool and swim for 35min.! The first time I was tired after 4 lengths, very sad given I'm a lifeguard. I plan to make it up to like 50! It's really busy too, LOTS of people and they're all very fit. I want to go to the socials (most socials for societies are on Wednesdays) and actually meet these people that lap me..hahhaa. I wonder if I'd recognize them w/ clothes on...hmm. :)

And believe it or not, I've been really good keeping up with my readings! Of course, it does help that they are about half of what I was required to read at U of T! It does make me feel so much smarter though when I've finished them all and can actually contribute in class! I got really mad at this guy in politics tutorial arguing with me about Asian countries being collective culture. I was saying for the most part they are...and he kept saying I think Singapore is Muslim..lol. I don't know, but I stood my ground because for once I KNEW and remembered I read that and other examples so I wasn't going to make myself look stupid because he loved to debate.

The weather has been REALLLLY nice!!! Perfect blue skies with a brisk breeze. It's still high of 15*C. I did not need all the polar fleeces I brought. What a waste of room. I will need some for the weekender hiking trips I've signed up for though. I'm scared how cold it will get in a tent in "Snowdonia" in Wales for instance. I'm hoping it's not called Snowdonia because of all the snow. I really want to go on the weekender which is in late Nov.

Right, and you're probably wondering about my blog title. I ate ravioli on the weekend when dinner wasn't provided. It's soooo yummy! I'm actually just eating it now for lunch as I'm typing. lol.

BSB in London

I know! You're thinking, "what was she thinking?" But you have to remember I've loved the Backstreet Boys since 6th grade..well really just Brian Littrell who has an amazing voice. Anyway, the trip back to London started off shaky. After telling Dave and Sarah (both from mainblock 1st flr.) that the #28 went to the bus station, I realized this wasn't the bus I took before. I didn't think it would travel all the way south of the city first and wait at another residence for 10min! OOOOOOPPS! We JUST made the coach when we were finally dropped off at the bus station. I managed to screw up directions a few times, that they didn't want to trust my opinion anymore. hahaha. The bus ride was pretty long, I'm not going to lie-4.5 hrs. I couldn't bring myself to read, which would have been a great idea because now I'm behind in my readings.

Dave's friend met us at the Victoria tube station and we took the tube to a station closer to his residence. Robyn (Dave's friend) said a 10 min. walk..but it was more like 20! I felt real bad for Sarah because she had the most massive bag ever! Robyn even said "I feel for youwith your heavy bags" Sarah and I just look at eachother thinking "why don't u feel our bags by carrying them for us!" we made it! And the walk along the river Thames was once again breathtaking. I was still pinching myself I was in London. I swear, I better start believing I'm living in England, rather than telling myself "i swear, 1 one day I'm going to live in England"..when in fact i'm here for 10 months!

The concert was a good 30 minutes by subway. The three of us were lead to seats that weren't ours..but we stood their anyway because they were closer. It was interesting..watching these older guys dancing to their old songs. It was almost like a reunion show! Nonetheless, I was close to Brian! hahaha. Their new songs were slower and I didn't know them..but I still knew their old ones word for word. There were quite a lot of guys and not too many younglings. Dave's phone happened to die after the concert so we had to wait for Robyn in the rez. foyer.

Friday we didn't get moving until well after noon. We walked to St. Pauls which you had to pay £8 to go in so we opted not to. Last time I went I was there around 4:30, and you didn't have to pay! We walked all the wall to Hyde Park, through Buckingham Palace and Green Park. Sarah and I bought tickets for Fame (the musical) for the 5:30pm show. There were some catchy dance moves and funny parts, but the music wasn't anything great. They repeated a lot of songs, and all the guys voices were high and sqeaky weird accents. That night we went to this elite club, £15 for guys to get in! Free for girls! hahaha. But then it was £8/drink! gahhh! That's $16 for one drink!! holy smoke! I did buy one for Dave b/c he bought the pre-drinking alcohol, which I still owe him for that now that I think about it. Lots of dancing and running around trying to find Sarah, we managed to leave the club by half 2 against Sarah's wishes. My feet were killing though and I couldn't stand anymore. Of course, I didn't bring my phone with me, and with Dave's being dead we couldn't get into Robyn's room because he supposedly wasn't there. We all passed out in the hallway, and a few hours later Robyn's friend came by and low and behold, Robyn was in his room the whole time!!!!! we were so mad. and to top things off Robyn came out and locked the door on us for another 15min. while he went with his friend!!! WTF!? I was just thinking the whole time that it will soon be over and I can't wait to Phil and Tommy the next day in Lancaster! :)

Hyde Park--it's sooooooooo big! My goodness! We didn't get to walk around the whole thing...next time :)
Cute wall paintings in walking tunnels around Hyde Park with historical information. woo hoo!
Sarah and me getting ready for Tantra (the club).
"the Mall" leading up to Buckingham Palace. It reminds me of Washington DC.
Dave and Sarah with St. Paul's Cathedral in the background

1 Comment
Anonymous maria brunello said...
hey kat!
yea i followed the link on facebook... lol i have severe issues with procrastination!
btw, i went to the BSB concert in toronto. with ainsley. so there's nothing to be ashamed of - all the cool kids are doing it. it sounds like you're having a blast in the u.k.! i'm really glad but don't forget to come back. :)
love, maria

the land of Lancaster!

I caught the 4:50 train out of Leeds on Sat. and rode in to a rainy Lancaster two hours later. I was warmly greeted (more like suffocated with hugs) by my old friend, an exchange student from last year at Toronto, named Phil! It was sooooooooooooo good to see him again and catch up! Still the same weird phrases and high-pitch cheering came from his mouth that never ceases to make me laugh! It was his birthday on Sunday, and all his friends were over celebrating the Saturday. And of course, being his birthday, everyone just kept feeding him with drinks! I’m pretty impressed he could stand at the end of the night. I did lose him for a while, so I just hung out with his really nice friends. hahaha, when Phil finally found us I remember having this sort of dance-off with him! Too funny. We were there until closing and one of the last people to leave, only little did I know my mobile managed to escape out of my purse somewhere and I was phone less. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! my first mobile and being the loser I am, I lose it! what a knob! I'm so mad at myself! The club didn't find it on top of that, so now I need a new phone.

I was thinking on Sunday Phil and I would hit the town, see the castle, the cathedral, and whatever else there was to see in little Lancaster. NOPE! We slept in until noon. Didn't really get moving until 2:30, but by then we both were tired and not feeling the gross weather outside stayed in and played poker with Phil and his roommates Sean and Hayley, and his friend Ben. They taught me this new card game called 'shithead' (ohhhh card games' names are delightful!). It was fun! I was surrounded by a bunch of northerners and I swear I could really hear myself starting to speak British. Like, I was asking questions in a similar intonation and everything!

Tom, another brit exchange student form last year, came by that evening for a bit and it was so strange (but good!) to see him again! There we were--three past students who shared a whole year together at U of T, now in a flat in Lancaster. CRAZY! It was very reminiscent and nice to be surrounded by old friends! People who actually knew me last year, unlike all these new friends I'm making at Leeds! Tom's hair had grown soooooooooo long, he looked more like Richard! Same complaining voice though! ahahaa.

That night I went for dinner with Phil's family. Phil's sister Katie, thought I was overwhelmed by their weirdness...but they weren't! Very friendly and knowledgeable! His parents were both teachers, and I received a lot of the same questions as I do from all other adults, "what do you plan to do after university?" Oh no, the dreaded question that I can never answer! Of course, I had to say something intelligent and not act like a complete blonde as I sometimes can. Instead of saying the usual 'travel, I don't know" I managed to say I was interested in the development of third world countries and hoped to get into companies that aid in such a process, such as the UN. Brownie points for me :) It is true though. I really like my development course in politics and would like to become involved more in that field--if not be a teacher.

It was so ironic that Phil's parents bought him a new sleeping bag--something he had just bought because he knew I was coming! And being the sweetie he is, he lent me his sleeping bag for the time being. :) Now I don't have to borrow a ratty old used one from the hiking society! YES! It was really sad to say bye to Phil come Monday. I really, really enjoyed my time just chilling with all of the Lancaster crew and just seeing how tight they are made me want to be a part of their group! I know I'll be back, and I'm already looking forward to it!

Me in the fabulous Lancaster cap Phil gave me :D
The gang! Sean, Ben, Phil, Rich, Becca
Me, Becca and Amy
Phil feeding the noisy ducks outside in the canal! How cool is that, he lives next to a canal!?!?
Phil and me at Wetherspoons!


My housemate, Will, has kindly given me his old mobile phone! Now I only have to buy a 14 pound SIM card and not a new phone! thank goodness! :)

Dear Katherine Jaksa,


HI! I got your email, thanks :) You're the coolest Katherine Jaksa EVER! I mean that. LOL. miss you tons! I'll get my number soon so sit tight, I know patience is your best quality. haha.

1 Comment
Anonymous said...
hey kat, thanks 4 keeping that on the DL, lol, loser. get it fast.oh, and thanks