
Malham is a small village (and I mean small) at the foot of the Yorshire Dales. The day was cloudy, slighty eerie to be walking in the damp cow fields. Our walk outline said we were to climb up this waterfall, Gordon's Scar, but we opted out, b/c we weren't prepared with helmets etc. They split everyone into small groups of 7, not like 20 in a line like I expected. The scariest was when we actually had to pass the cows. They stared at you like you were a large piece of grass! haha. It looked like they were going to charge at us any second! Fortunately they didn't. We eventually found our way to this cute mountain lake and conservation area. We were supposed to have a permit to walk through the Environmental study boardwalk..but one man said the lock gate at the end was sturdy (as in to climb over).

It was FREEEEZING by this lake! And of course there was some crazy guy who decided to swim in it! I couldn't believe it..he must be a member of the "polar bear club." After 4 hrs. of walking we came to the rockiest place ever! The rocks just screamed "broken ankle" if you didn't watch where you were walking. It was unbelievably breathtaking the view from the top of these mountains. You wouldn't believe have many stone walls covered the green fields..(even sides of rocky mountains had a stone wall going through it). It's like the Great Wall of China. That must have taken AGES to build these barriers, "fencing" off property.
Another cute thing was the kissing gates. It's hard to explain, but you have to walk in to a corner, close the gate behind you and now there's room to pass through on the other side. It's to prevent sheep from getting through. There were A LOT of these.

The funny rock formations that are every parents nightmare because you have jump from rock to rock. It was called "the Cove" I felt like a kid again jumping from rock to rock! It was really neat geological formations! People were rock climbing up the enormous rock just below us. In total, we walked 17km that day! My feet KILLED!

Gordon's Scar

The Tarn "a small mountain lake"
Me and Aleks. We really did walk down that massive hill with rocks embedded every few centimeters.
The Conservational Study boardwalk. It was really in bad shape, no wonder they're charging people to use it.
"The Cove" (at the edge is a cliff)
The rock-climbers looking down from the Cove.
Random stone wall on stoney hill.

1 Comment

Anonymous said...
Hi kat
Just seeing if I can still leave a comment.
Your pictures are great. Those stones on the path could be a real pain in the foot (HAHA) Hope nobody turned an ankle.
Keep on trekking

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