aka. call my cell! AND YOU CAN NOW DO THAT! :D YEAHHHH! (in Alice's high-pitched cheer). This will be short because I have been updating my blog for much too long and I'm getting a headache from looking at the comp screen too long. It's a flip phone which I've always wanted. I've always imagined them to be cooler than regular phones. Email me if you want my cell #.

Pictures are fun! and make you feel like you're not reading too much! I was up talking with Aleksandra (from Poland) last night in her large room. I really like her, she's in her fifth year of Uni in language studies...but none of the courses here will transfer back home, so she's just taking many courses she's interested in that won't count toward her degree. I think its funny how she was trying to describe my accent and said it's softer and more natural than the Americans. Anyway, being the knob that I am I realized when looking at her colourful duvet (which is the same as mine), the comforter fits inside it! Mine has been lying on top this whole time! Needless to say, I had a pleasant sleep and it was much easier to make my bed this morning.
ps. you'll be happy to know my finger has made a fully recovery (when I cut it on glass).

1 Comment
Anonymous said...
Katherine, you are daft. I still love you, but you're daft...you had the duvet cover ON the comforter??? You're killing me softly, as Adrianna would say.

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