3-legged OTLEY RUN!


This past Wednesday, Nov.9th, the hiking society put on a 3 legged Otley Run! You must tie your leg to another person's legs for the night! We all met north of Headingley at the famous start of the Otley Run in a pub called Woodies. Ossian and I were paired together. He was smart enough to bring a tie, because the rope other people were using looked like it would cut into the ankle. We eventually got the rhythm of it and got quite competitive to pass other pairs along the way. I couldn't stop giggling and he couldn't stop stepping on my baby toe. It was probably my fault b/c I think I was pulling my leg toward me when we walked. It was soooo funny to see some of the guys paired together trying to walk. We managed to hit up 10 pubs that night! It was such a good time!

Go to: www.leedshike.co.uk

There are some good pictures of the night if you click on the right hand side. There's also a lot of others hikes I've been on and posted more pictures there. Oh and click on Cairngorns and Fort Williams! These are the hikes in Scotland I REALLY want to do in Jan/Feb. They require a better quality boot so that crampons (devices with spikes you attach to your boot to help you stick in the snow) won't fall off. Pretty exciting stuff!

nice tappered pants! Just how I love it! hahaha NOT! Ozz's lovely socks again.
Dave came as a banana... and Martin was hungry. lol.
Bob, Cathryn, Francois (Belgium), and Dave
mmmmmmmmm, boooots! Me and Ozz.
Dom's talent!

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