Greenwich is the center of longitude and by which all other time zones are measured. The climb to the Royal Observatory where I took the picture of the Prime Merdian was absolutely brutal. It also holds the largest Nautical Museum in the world, which was really the reason my dad wanted to come here. It was a nice town, very green and open, with lots of book and antique stores. I can't imagine spending more than a day there though.
This view is taken from the "Queen's House" where a delightful 'Coastlines Revealed' exhibition was happening. The building on the left is the old Royal Naval Hospital which houses the beautiful 'Painted Hall' by Sir Christopher Wren, a famous architect. All the walls are painted, hence the name, and look as though I am in Buckingham Palace. Just next to this building by the River Thames is where an old Palace used to stand before being destroyed in war. It was where King Henry VIII and his daughters Elizabeth and Mary were born.
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