Well it's been over 2 weeks since I last wrote...gahh, too much to write! Monday the 10th, friends on the mainblock 1st floor went out for Wendy's bday. The club we were supposed to go to downtown had the longest line ever!! You'd think it was a Friday night, but no, people here are such partiers they need their alcohol fix EVERY night. We went to a large club across the street that was pretty empty. They did have 1 quid (slang for pound) drinks though! It was a lot of fun to have a lot of room to dance. Every now and then this fog machine would go off and you couldn't see 10cm in front of you! Wendy, who's a really sweet girl in Medicine, looked reasonably sober given all she drank, but we did end up going home around half 1. It was cute, she kept apologizing for making us leave so soon, but it really wasn't that early! A cab ride back is around 7 pounds ($14), so you really want to load people in to cut the cost!
I went swimming twice this week! I'm so proud that I actually managed to drage myself to the pool and swim for 35min.! The first time I was tired after 4 lengths, very sad given I'm a lifeguard. I plan to make it up to like 50! It's really busy too, LOTS of people and they're all very fit. I want to go to the socials (most socials for societies are on Wednesdays) and actually meet these people that lap me..hahhaa. I wonder if I'd recognize them w/ clothes on...hmm. :)
And believe it or not, I've been really good keeping up with my readings! Of course, it does help that they are about half of what I was required to read at U of T! It does make me feel so much smarter though when I've finished them all and can actually contribute in class! I got really mad at this guy in politics tutorial arguing with me about Asian countries being collective culture. I was saying for the most part they are...and he kept saying I think Singapore is Muslim..lol. I don't know, but I stood my ground because for once I KNEW and remembered I read that and other examples so I wasn't going to make myself look stupid because he loved to debate.
The weather has been REALLLLY nice!!! Perfect blue skies with a brisk breeze. It's still high of 15*C. I did not need all the polar fleeces I brought. What a waste of room. I will need some for the weekender hiking trips I've signed up for though. I'm scared how cold it will get in a tent in "Snowdonia" in Wales for instance. I'm hoping it's not called Snowdonia because of all the snow. I really want to go on the weekender which is in late Nov.
Right, and you're probably wondering about my blog title. I ate ravioli on the weekend when dinner wasn't provided. It's soooo yummy! I'm actually just eating it now for lunch as I'm typing. lol.
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